Public channelling number 312
Chicago, 11th April 2021
Spiritual Entity – Earth Guardian ENKI through medium Mrs Lucyna Lobos Brown answers asked questions, and the message from Spiritual Being from Sirius B.
ENKI: I, Enki, and not only, because… there is with Me Sirius, at the beginning… will… also… with you [plural] will talk and (!) will also say a bit something, even though – as Lucyna said – not everyone likes it, especially here in this room – they say that is boring and not very specific. And specifics… Sirius and the whole group who came from Sirius to the Earth – will be specific, and We can only observe. We had time, a lot of time: two thousand years. Because it supposed to be that over two thousand years ago it would be… such a thorough Cleansing on the Earth – from people of course. But… thanks to requests: Mine, Brother of Mine, it was moved – by – further two thousand years. And now the Owner of the Earth is gracious for habitants of the Earth, because… everyone here, we have one thousand years, to… organise, and that Cleansing will be in progress, well, such was decision especially of The Council of Gods. But to not… take you [plural] a lot of time and give… a field to “show off” also to Sirius, I will give space just – Sirius. I will sit and also will be listening, what he will pass to you.
SIRIUS: [Sigh] I, Sirius – am, here in this room, on this day 11th… April. I came, to pass to you something, a bit, because… I already said, that… I will be telling about sins, about absolution of the foundation and (!) also people, who passed by through this foundation. As I said, I will not operate dates, because you all read sessions and (!) this, what I will be saying will be understandable to those, who read. And [sigh]… as a side note, or not as a side note, but as a task, which will be passed in written form to great multitudes of readers: I would expect, not only me, but also the Spiritual World, so that you, human beings, channellings start to read from the first one to the last one. There is everything, all the teachings, instructions, that give understanding and can still in some sense give… enlightenment to the minds, all those channellings, which were… registered and passed on. But now I will go back to… some story, which happened… still during times, when people so much – especially women – pushed so that to be the most important one, so… listen to what can be capable – women. When, still during the time when… chairman… of foundation or Project Cheops, Andrzej was traveling the world and was doing trainings of perfecting the mind – he was also in Hungary and there… he did such a meeting. Very interested in this Project Cheops was – a woman with a name Ida! – so that it was clearly told.
Later on, there was meeting with Andrzej, when where she was asking a lot and also, she found out that… in Peru… there is, lives reincarnation of the Great Priest Juno. And what did she do? This woman first by letter she contacted… with this, presently – already absent, because he does not live, but then still Severiano lived and (!) she asked for meeting. Severiano answered and asked, that if it is possible to fly over, because, he come to Hungary cannot. She flew. Now the most important: when already she was there and it came to… this meeting, this woman with the name Ida, she introduced herself and said that she is the priestess Ki… the same, who has to later on be in the Tomb, priestess Ki [sigh]. Severiano then answered: “I do not know you, you are not Priestess Ki. I will wait for the Priestess Ki”. And later on, Ida many times tried to destroy this present medium… present Enki. She travelled – in the same time, when… Bill was in Egypt, so that to win his favours, and in different way, but it did not reach Severiano and he did not accept her, or did not recognise in her this priestess Ki. This I wanted to pass, so that, if it will be shown on the session, so that this woman from Hungary, Ida – would read, to what deception she was capable of.
About those frauds, even of this woman, I could talk more, but this surely does not interest you. I said this today, because so that it would reach – to this woman from Hungary. I will still… be saying about some things from Project Cheops [pl: “Projekt Cheops”] or from Mission Pharaoh [pl: “Misja Faraon”], but this gradually – gradually, so that those things, which… were so drastic – it would reach as many people as possible. And now I will not be asking, because asking I will be not. For asking is Enki and to wring hands – I require. So that, I also would require, that everyone from the first session till the last with focus – this – read. I also promised today, that there will be questions addressed to me and then, when there will be a question to me, as Sirius, then for the moment Enki will “turn off”, and I will answer to such questions. And now… again I give back voice, that is microphone to Enki.
Ryszard: First of all, we want to thank You, Enki and You Sirius for coming to our meeting and for all those information, which we receive always, which are helpful in understanding the case, in understanding Mission Pharaoh since many, many years. And here, You are right, I’m addressing Sirius, that, when it comes to sessions, it is often that people ask for the same, what was already said a long time ago. That is why it is good to remind oneself, read and then also it is valuable, because the image of our Mission is then also different that it was. So, we thank You sincerely for arriving and I already give back the voice to You, Enki. Thank you.
ENKI: I, Enki, again I welcome. I thought, because We, Spiritual Entities, we also can think, I thought, that… Sirius will say more, because there would be something to tell, but since… still and he has this permission so that, during our meeting – to add and to answer to asked question – to him – questions. And now, I, Enki, I’m listening to the first question, I’m listening.
Ryszard: Yes, thank you. The first question is from Kazimierz. Among all those vaccines, which are on the market, can you recommend any, or not? Is there any one, which stands out from the rest?
ENKI: Yes, welcome Kazimierz., there is – mine. Actually, mine vaccine, that is the Protection – stands out from all of them. There is no better one. Here I would not like to… talk too much, because I could, I mean that I could endanger medium herself to the trouble regarding vaccines, but since so much you trust vaccines, and do not trust Me, then I wish all the best. I’m listening.
Ryszard: And now question and such statement from Bogdan. Dear Enki, my Lord and Friend, I want to thank to God Almighty as well as You for the care, guidance, protection for me as well as to my family – thank you with all my heart. Do boards which are in the Tomb of the Builder of the Pyramid are those boards, which you dictated, through forty days and forty nights, scribe Endubsar, in ancient Egypt? Because who knows better the history of the Earth than You, eyewitness, who as the first arrived around four hundred forty-five thousand years ago from another Planet to the Earth. Thank you.
ENKI: Welcome, welcome and I must now the next piece of the secret to reveal. This, what I was giving was written, those are not the same boards. The history of the Earth on boards was brought from Atlantis. From this Atlantis, where just… which was destroyed and these boards had been waiting, had been waiting so that, later they could be put together in the Tomb of the Builder. So, those, which you ask about, of course, they are also, but already they were placed over two and a half thousand years later after… construction of the Pyramid and placed in this Renovator of the Pyramid – there are those boards. You could also, by very simple path, enter to this tomb of Renovator. And where medium, My medium I this medium will stay medium – pointed the area… how to enter, of course the Egyptians did their own job: they shut down and for now there is no entrance there. But there is also history of the Earth and of this what was, and of this what will be. And the real history on the boards is still in the Tomb of the Builder of the Pyramid. That is why [said with sigh] …it will be necessary to roll up sleeves, because there is no another path, because the Spiritual World and Sirius also needs to common cooperation, to common action to reach this Tomb. It is possible to reach to the one, to the second one, but… now it will be necessary to begin act together. I’m listening.
Ryszard: Thank you. Next question and also such statement, thanks from Małgorzata. Welcome my Lord Enki EA, Great Friend of my family and all people. For the miracle of life for each day thanks to You, I can live according with the will of God Father, our Creator. I thank You, my Lord for the vaccine which you gave in January last year 2020 without queue, which is currently happening. For this Gift from God Father thank you, and it could be different, calmer. 6th of May this year, 2021 year it will be 20 years since the first sessions and what have we achieved? I encourage everyone and I recommend to read from the beginning all sessions with reflection and appreciation for this Gift of sessions from Son of God, Lord Enki, Himself. We welcome You great Guest from Sirius B, I thank You for hard work on Cleansing of the Earth and people. With humility I ask You for support to all during setting up of the Association. It is needed for all of us, because it is not, proverbial, five, but one minute to twelve. With humility, appreciation and love, Małgorzata.
ENKI: Welcome Małorzata. We will not split this question here… to two parts, because still to Sirius will be necessary to ask questions, but you are right – it is already starting …to be reset of the Time, and… to people nothing reaches: “to spell coronavirus and vaccines”. What I can not still communicate, that… in all those “the best” vaccines that are being advertised, being offered – My Vaccine – Enki is the best. I’m listening.
Barbara: Now sent over questions. And I welcome sincerely on today’s meeting and I am glad., that there is this possibility of conversation and receiving answers. Those are questions sent over from Poland. We welcome You Beloved Enki and You Sirius, I bow very low to all Spiritual World. Thank you for care over me and my whole family in those difficult times. I have however a question. Currently I am building a new place for my company, I work on it calmly. However, I am concerned by the fact, that on the neighbour ground is also being created a place for my many years’ competitor. Should I be worried and be afraid in such situation? I tried to talk with him, however he firmly claims, that there is no space there for both of us. That is why I ask, what should I do? Should I keep building in this spot, or maybe look for land somewhere else? Or maybe give up, even though, I’m not that sort of people who give up. Please, I ask for strength in this undertaking. I send regards, Jolanta from Poland.
ENKI: Business and once again business… Didn’t I say – a lot earlier, that in this moment, when… on the Earth received this permission to make order on the Earth, it is not the time to make business… open some other things. This is not this time. What you should do? If… you do not have… the Protection, because in this for example you do not believe, then… such the best way to protect yourself, family, this whole home workaround, it would be to receive Protection. And here it is said: “I am from Poland”, and soon we will be in Poland, so… tear up cats with each other [Polish saying, means to argue withs someone over something] you will not. Only peace, later you will emanate with peace, which will annoy, this peace, the one who at this moment also tries to… build or open business. I’m listening.
Barbara: Second question from Jolanta from Poland. Here in our country the great are already dying. How can I convince people to not get vaccinated? When I explain them, that they go on the certain death, they say that everyone has their own opinion. I would like to as many as possible people warn, however I don’t know how to do this. I know that Lucyna and Bill are coming back to Poland, protect them, so they can come back happily. Once again for everything I thank You with whole my heart and I bow very low.
ENKI: Oh… [said with sigh] yes, there is not much to say. There is one, very great, wise word: silence is gold. Discussion, explaining will give you nothing, because… it is enough to look at, today at the room, where there is a handful of regular, let’s say, entities, who respect Me as well as medium. That is why… do not say, not even try to explain, but only calmly observe this. I’m listening.
Barbara: Questions from Filip. Dear Lord Enki, are those beautiful singings of birds, love songs directed between each other, between one bird and another, and yet another? What those birds are singing about? Is it possible to translate somehow their singing? Filip.
ENKI: Take a look, Filip, generally at the Nature, how beautiful Nature can be. If you would listen into sounds from the depths of the waters, how those fishes can communicate with each other and also even sing. [Sigh] It can’t be explained in human way, what those beautiful birds are passing. And they are passing, primarily they are passing calmness. They are passing… love actually, which you, human beings should learn, because this, what you say currently about love, it is some misunderstanding. There is none – there is selfishness, egoism, and primarily there is among people hate, but this, birds do not pass to you. They try to pass to you calmness and love. I’m listening.
Barbara: Second question. Here I want to thank Lord ENKI, as well as other Spiritual Entities for concise “system of knowledge” in the form of sessions, because with current amount of various “prophets” it is possible to quickly lose vision of the world. And here I have a question: does current very changeable weather is caused among others by various paintings on the sky, or simply is a result of passing by of Nibiru, activity of the Sun, rebelling Mother Nature and saving her extra-terrestrial civilisations? According to the news all around the Earth, strong weather anomalies as well as increased activity of volcanoes and earthquakes, are observed. Filip.
ENKI: Most of all, this, what you, Filip observe, it is action of Mother Nature. In various ways Mother Nature tries to reach still people. This, that there are cataclysms such and others, it is one, but She needs also to… reach to people… with goal for you to put yourself together. If those information – that are coming – from the Cosmos will still have no effects, then well, what We, Spiritual World can do? Calmly wait, calmly observe, how will further act Sirius with help just Mother Nature. I’m listening.
Barbara: And… No more, now question from Wiktor. Welcome Spiritual Guardian of the Earth, Enki, Welcome Dear Sirius and all present. I do apologise for exaggerating, but I still think about what means “to become”. We thank You, Dear and Beloved Spiritual Entities for that you allow us to know you better and that you treat us as equal with You, for letting us to great mysteries, and foremost for the Truth and Love. You are example and role model for us. You allow us to become such, just like you are. With whole heart we thank you for choosing us – all Swallows and care over all of us. Wiktor with family.
ENKI: Welcome Wiktor and welcome family. Swallows? Many Swallows? And where they are Wiktor? Where are those Swallows, who supposed to be such a Manifesto, exactly in this chosen city Chicago? They supposed to be an example for the world. And do you see this example, which people give? Surely you see, so this, when were those human beings called Swallows, it supposed to be a Manifesto for the world, from this exactly chosen city, city Chicago, which in ancient times was headquarters Our. That is why… do not mention about Swallows, because this handful, who still stayed, it is only a handful, who is repressed by whole human multitude. I’m listening.
Barbara: Welcome Dear Enki, Star Brother Sirius and Spiritual World. I sincerely thank you for care and support in the current difficult time and I ask for further care. I read again Andrzej Wójcikiewicz’s book “Wędrowca”. Beautifully are described Lucyna’s dreams in regression as she was at the construction of the Pyramid and met Priest Juno. What made me think, is that it was happening in 2002 year and already there it is mentioned that if the humanity would not notice the true unity, then the Cleansing will occur, if people would not understand that they should help to rescue the Earth and to emanate with love, which is medicine for the evil of those times. However, it is visible, that the Cleansing became fact. Thank you. Marcel.
ENKI: Welcome Marcel – wise words you are saying, oh wise. Will people understand? And I will ask you a question: and what do you see, Marcel? What do you see in today’s day… what is happening with people? As it was already… two thousand years ago said by God Himself: “Rescue the Earth and human beings”. If… such Spiritual Entities like… like Myself, My Brother – could not manage and the Time has passed, that is why to help chosen was Sirius. It is horrifying what I say: THE TIME IS RUNNING OUT, so this proverbial “minute to midnight”. Will you understand? We will see. I’m listening.
Barbara: Now questions from Paweł from Łódź. The first. Enki, Friend and our Guardian, last week in our new house, before morning we had strange visit, about which told me my daughter in law, Magda. It was still dark, when she was awoken by sound like a sewing machine. Magda, in half-dream saw outside a window two vehicles, “saucers” and some half-transparent characters walking on the floor. One of them walked past my sleeping son, and he moved, as if he sensed him/her. Who was that and why they visited us? Paweł from Łódź.
ENKI: Welcome Paweł. Home workaround and home itself – very much I liked it and so much work you put into this house. Who was that? Those were Beings from Sirius. Because, if you forgot, then I will remind it to you: when we had meeting at your home, you, yourself said, that at any moment you invite just Sirius to your home. They accepted this, and because they did not want to neither to scare, nor [said with sigh]… nothing bad do, so they have shown that they can appear and they chose your daughter in law. That is why explain to your family, that such Guests from Beyond Words you can have from time to time, because they become fond your household. I’m listening.
Barbara: Second question. I had another dream-vision. I was with Anita, having a conversation with beautiful, blond Pleiadean woman in some skyscraper. I do not remember about what was that conversation, but at the end of it, the woman ordered us to get to elevator and go somewhere up, as if to our room. We entered the elevator, but I decided to not listen to this request and we went down, and we exit to a street of a modern city. We went to explore it. We reached an area with a very interesting building, which had seven clocks. (Please, look at the picture, which I sent over). Was it a fiction, or maybe we truly went somewhere? And if yes, then where, what for? And what is this interesting building, what meaning does it have? Paweł from Łódź.
ENKI: Was that a dream? It was not a dream, Paweł, it was simply vision. It will not be realised yet… so soon, as you would like to, but… Pleiadeans, or from Orion, those are the same beings, who… help People. This will occur. Clocks shown you time. At each clock was shown different hour. This Time will be… slowly running out, because you received a thousand years – a bit less, but a thousand – for this and also to organise the Earth. And in this ordering exactly… helps [said with sigh] at this moment Sirius. So, this was Paweł vision of the fu-ture. I’m listening.
Barbara: Third question. Please, look at the image of this cloud over my house. I made it to record colourfully glowing chemtrails, just made by some flying plane. When I was making this photo, I saw only this colourful part of the cloud, but during festive breakfast, Anita’s sister pointed out that on the photo there is a cloud in a shape of horned head of some angry beast or demon… Well, in any case it does not look like “easter bunny”. Is it some random shape or maybe a sign for us? Paweł.
Barbara: Don’t you have the second image, because there were two?
Ryszard: No, I don’t have.
ENKI: It’s not a sign Paweł. Simply, it is possible to have delusions and to see, what more-less want to see. Paweł, you were appointed to cooperate, so no demons, no horned Spiritual Entities will… be touching you, nor disturbing you or family. About this, you can be completely calm. I’m listening.
Barbara: And one more question from Paweł. It is also a dream vision, from a few days back. I was on the train with my friend Aneta to my land. At the first station behind Łódź train stopped and we had to leave. This station and its surrounding looked slightly different than in reality. Aneta climbed the embankment near tracks and was looking in the direction of Łódź. I also looked there and I saw rapidly spreading over the city semi-circular, black swirling fog… After a moment I realised that this is rising atomic mushroom. How should I understand this vision? Paweł from Łódź. I send regards to everybody and see you soon.
ENKI: Well, we will see each other Paweł, soon we will see each other. For that Sirius is on the Earth, whole Sirius Army, so that… people, who at the moment have unsteady minds, would not come to mind, to launch some bomb, neutron or nuclear one. Although if they will be such in mass… surrender to vaccinations, then who knows? Oh, who knows? – how it will work on their minds. So, here also you can be calm, Paweł – no weapon of mass destruction will be used. I’m listening.
Barbara: Questions from Grażyna from Karczew. Welcome Friend Enki and Sirius. Sirius informs us that He is our Friend, and we know that He had and He has meaningful participation in happenings in the history of the Earth. My question: does Sirius Spirit, who talks with us was on the Earth in the Biblical times? Can we read about Him in the Old Testament?
ENKI: He was even earlier, Grażyna, before the Bible was written. Over twelve thousands years ago already Sirius was helping in evacuation of beings from this island Atlantis. Later even further He was helping human beings, was teaching… primarily was teaching. For example, they have built… in Peru on the plateau huge base, where they… came and from there then they evacuated to further part of the Earth. So, activity of Sirius, we can go back in time of over a dozen – thousand – years – back. I’m listening.
Barbara: And second question from Grażyna. In 2014 year you said, that “Francis does everything, so that faithful copy of the first Bible would appear”. And asks: will that happen during the time of extraction of the boards from the Tomb? Thank you. Grażyna from Karczew.
ENKI: Cooperation and once again cooperation – exactly now is so much needed. Time can come that it will be necessary to resume connections exactly in Egypt, so that… it would be possible to reach to …the Tomb, because… from what I already know, what was reaction to, this what was said, to remove the wall – a mockery arose. And… this wall… between Plateau and the village is a direct entrance to the Tomb, because from… from the Palace, so now garden, reach the Tomb it is a bit of an effort, because it is quite far. That is why… it will be necessary to, but this in its own time, in its own time we will begin to act and I will say, to who from those mighty, great Egyptians will be necessary to… turn to, so that even to receive this permission to enter through the tunnel from the side of the Palace. And if that will make Sirius even more annoyed, then – also – it will be necessary to work on this, so that this historical wall would be removed. Then, it will be short path, fast path in reaching to… the Builder. I’m listening.
Barbara: Now Paweł from Canada. I welcome sincerely, Lord Enki, thank you for everything that you have done for the people and the Earth. Beings from Nibiru, who arrived to the Earth to mine gold, have they incarnated and are alive nowadays among us? Thank you.
ENKI: They are alive, Paweł, because it was not that distant time, and for the spirit the time is, there is no term known of time, is unknown term, so… also they will start to reveal themselves, but then, when already will take pace… this work of Association as well as of Mission Pharaoh. Then they will report, not such person, like this person from Hungary, who claimed to be Priestess Ki, but true, true entities, who were in that time (it is thousands of years…) and also will like to participate in this Mission of passing as well as either this device, or whole mummy to sarcophagus in aim to activate the connection between the Earth with the first Start of Orion. I’m listening.
Barbara: Further Paweł. A soul is energy, a body is also energy, then in reality necessary for us is the energy to hear body and soul?
ENKI: Try to light the bulb without turning on the contact. Will you manage? No, also the current is necessary. Every Spirit is, let’s say connected having a body, but is connected with the Universe, with the Energy from Cosmos and it will be like that. And when already this connection will be activated, (and it will be activated), then… all beings will experience such a Spiritual transformation and very rapidly on the Earth can begin to change, but firstly, there has to be quite strong, but powerful Cleansing. I’m listening.
Barbara: And question from Paweł. When Pharaoh, will be placed in the Pyramid and energetic system will be activated, then all our diseases, which we have on the Earth, will start to disappear? Thank you, Paweł.
ENKI: Word “disappear” rather term barely known. How long have you [plural] been working on the Earth so that devastate the Earth as well as your own organisms? Even now, the governments of the world contribute to this, so that through those “miraculous” injections served people, also decimate human population. Will it be soon? No, buts be needed for this time… for such regeneration of the Earth as well as of people. Help with this will Sirius, because already he will be populating the Earth. I’m listening.
Barbara: Dear Enki and Sirius, welcome sincerely. Please, tell, how should and will look like our true life here in the matter? Thank you for care and for our beautiful Planet Earth. Katarzyna from Oświęcim.
ENKI: Fact, that… the Planet Earth is beautiful, because such created God Father: Jewel of the Universe – now this… it is difficult to compare to jewel – the Earth. And who done that? Just human beings, beings, to whom God gave mind and free will. And what have you done? WHAT have you done with Earth?! That is why now it will be necessary regeneration – calmly, once again I repeat: that is why… you received additional thousand years, for that to begin to THINK! To use mind! If [said with sigh] …Sirius observes this – if there will be no visible improvement, then… the Cleansing will be accelerated. I’m listening
Barbara: Artur sends question and we have questions also for session, Nina Siedlarz. The first. Best regards and we thank out Father Yahweh and You, Dear Enki and Sirius, and Spiritual World and all participants of Mission Pharaoh, who were during building this Pyramid and will be working now! Are Lucyna and Bill able to stay in United States? Nina with family.
ENKI: Welcome Nina and Michal, you live there, in this Arizona like at God’s place behind the stove [translator: Polish saying, it means that you are safe and have all that you need]. Respect this, respect this, because… around, around you (reaching further) it is making and it will be making more and more threateningly and human hate will be spreading. It is so sad. Will they, will they be here… To this question, Nina, answer I truly can’t, because… to this question would not allow to answer Lucyna. I can only say: we will see, we will see from your behaviour, but looking at today’s room, this full “to the brim” can be summed: “we know everything, we do not need anything more, and especially not needed is now… session, Lucyna and even Enki, because we already everything know”. Now, when people will receive those “miraculous”, “healing” vaccines, then already it will be “full happiness” on the Earth, because it is just about that. I’m listening.
Barbara: Dear Sirius, Being Bashar and his spaceship is in Sedona, Arizona. Where is Your spaceship?
ENKI: I am Spiritual Entity and I do not need a ship, but even so, then… of course we also need, even as Spiritual Entities a bit of rest. I will tell… shortly… and clearly, on the other side of the Moon, this not visible from the Earth, there are bases, plenty of bases. And there, when after tiring work on you, goes Sirius, then there we rest ourselves. Remember, does not need a spaceship, a Spiritual Entity, with lightning speed is in given place, which choses. And if someone invites Us to rest – no problem. Then, we arrive and to not be a troublesome guest, always some place to rest I will find for Myself. I’m listening.
Barbara: It was a question to Sirius. Is Sirius a Spiritual Entity and has a spaceship?
In the background are heard words said with quiet voice: I have, I have, I have.
ENKI: Whether Sirius, or I, then… I answered. The same would answer Sirius. As well as Sirius, when… he jet hasn’t arrived to the Earth in matter, then… they arrive in Spiritual form. They will be arriving in matter and in spaceships, but for now, with this human rage, which currently develops – they will not endanger anyone from their kinsmen for such contact with human beings. I’m listening.
Barbara: Now for people who ask question to Enki: Wouldn’t be wiser to ask in these times about pointers regarding this, how to rise own vibrations, instead of asking about some troubles, about politics, mammon and other such nonsense? Sincere regards, Artur.
ENKI: It has been already mentioned a bit, by Sirius as well as by Me, to read sessions – from the first one to the last one. I give a guarantee, I, Enki, that your vibrations will rise, calmness, respect to… fellow man, respect to the Mother Earth, it is so – important. And this, for today’s day, there is none. I’m listening.
Barbara: Beloved Friend Enki, thank you for care, already since many years for me and my family. The times are more and more difficult, abut ple…
A moment of pause to change recording tape.
Barbara: Times are more and more difficult, but you guide us and we manage. Situation, which lead governments, actually a government, who does not listen to anyone, and does not answer to anyone is invisible, however it rules all governments with such power, that must countries’ governments act on all the ordinances, which lead to total enslavement. People are so scared that, step by step they obey all ordinances. Educations goes still even lower, small businesses bankrupt, and people are waiting for this pandemic to pass and this authority “invisible” is from this pleased. Enki and Sirius, and all Star Brothers, I thank you with whole my heart for help and for tidying up all governments, because to them only power fits and holding slaves so that they work for them. I believe that many people will wake up, that there can be another life in peace with nature, with mutual respect and love. Zofia from Oświęcim.
ENKI: Welcome Zofia, so little human beings wakes up, and… you ask about pandemic (such it is called), this, what was… “beautifully” produced. It will not pass, FOR LONG IT WILL NOT PASS, and people will be still kept in fear, because fear is a blessing for those ruling ones. But – I spoke earlier, that it will be like that. How many of you, human beings… understood My Words? Very little, so… Zofia, soon we will meet – already in Poland on meeting. And remember about one: guard your energy. Do not let yourself to be lead astray. Since you have already withstood so much – you will withstand. And if the situation will be getting worse, that is why I ask for obedience and calm. I’m listening.
Barbara: Beloved Enki, situation on the Earth is getting worse and worse, and main perpetrators are the rulers. Will that, what they introduced, turn against them? We send warm regards. Mariola and Wojtek from Jędrzejów.
ENKI: Well, it will be even worse – it will be, because, truly… human beings: WHAT have you done and are you doing, so that… to stop to be afraid and start to change yourself – you own actions, or even try to change someone close to you? In reality, with our observation, NOTHING, you do nothing. But… it’s nothing. Calmness, primarily, I ask you for calmness. Soon we will see each other and then we can talk long and about various subjects. I’m listening.
Barbara: And now questions. Welcome Guardian of the Earth, Enki and welcome Sirius. My question will be connected with earlier session, with many memories and glimpses in consciousness. Dear Enki, you said in the last session, that souls of people connected with Mission Orion are very old souls and that sometimes those people have glimpses of those memories. Dear Enki, you said on the last session that souls of people attached to mission Pharaoh are very old and that sometimes those people have glimpses of those memories. Dear Enki, I remember when I came into contact with Mission Pharaoh, and I was 17 years old and it was through Mission’s radio and then I met Barbara. And I will also admit that I was not sending questions for the session, but I have already known, because I felt where I come from, so I knew this, but I may have felt that from subconscious. Later I sent a question to You through Konrad, and You, Dear Enki confirmed my feelings. Enki, I also have for a long time such light glimpses connected with the Cheops Pyramid, that during construction I was there and also with people who I met, like for example Lucyna and Barbara and Ryszard – I feel it this way. I think that many people have like that, who got in touch with Mission Pharaoh and I feel, that that we have already known each other with Lucyna, Barbara and. Ryszard. Maybe souls signed before birth, that they will meet now in this life, maybe that is why? Could such feelings be true, Enki?
ENKI: This, what can be true, it is that… many people, human beings were arriving to build this Message, that is the Pyramid. It supposed to be the code connecting the Earth with Orion. Well [said with sigh] …do those people, and many of them worked at construction, because, according to those calculations, it could be 200, over 200 thousand people, who worked at this construction. Not all came from, arrived from Orion, because arrived from the world and from other Planets as well. Many [said with sigh] Beings tried still to do something, and many Beings will STILL be trying to reach to this moment, when already will start work with extraction… of the mummy of the Builder. Well… this is subject, even not a river, subject ocean – how many human beings were there – those – Beings from Orion. I’m listening.
Barbara: Next question. Dear Enki, lately I started to look after my own Spiritual development and I read many books on the subject of Spirituality and I remember that in earlier sessions you said to people to work on themselves and their Spiritual development, because majority waits for done, to just receive everything like on a plate, but to work on oneself and not to wait for done. A lot I read. Such books like Lobsang Rampa, who teaches a few things, like control of thoughts, relaxation and telepathy, and seeing aura, and astral travels. Also, I read all books of Robert Monroe and there is plenty of information about various things, especially connected with astral travels. Now I know, Enki, why earlier You told me that I had not grown up yet to astral travels. Without experience and instructions, and with no exercises it is not possible. Now I understand, Enki.
ENKI: And true, but I also offer you, so that you a bit less litter mind with those “great”, “haughty” writers, because… it brings into your organism, into your mind a bit of disarray. If you would once again carefully, but really carefully – from the first till the last session – read it and tried to understand, then there you have everything, everything, what it is necessary for you to understand. I’m listening.
Barbara: And one more question from Damian. Dear Enki, I was practicing, before sleep, relaxation and control of thoughts, and I had such an event, that as if I would loose awareness, that is fall asleep and I awoke, but I did not open eyes but only felt like I sway and spin and I heard voices (those may be hypnagogues, they call this hallucinations, because brain checks if we are asleep) and later I was spinning such, but I didn’t see anything yet and I awoke, that is I budged and that is why I completely did not leave. And later again I had that I was practicing, I entered trance and I heard a loud crash, but automatically I budged and I awoke. And still few times I was practicing, but I can’t focus, because I feel to warm, and so on. Depending on conditions, there author also mentions all of this. What could it be, Dear Enki? I send honest, sincere regards to You, Enki and to all in the room. Damian.
ENKI: Maybe… I will answer – briefly to your question, so that you could understand. And my answer is this: Damian, stop searching, stop searching for the answers and “wisdom”, and simply allow yourself to be guided, literally guided. I’m listening.
Barbara: Question, (laughing) I hope, that I will read, those are tiny letters. Welcome, Beloved Enki, I sincerely send greetings and I thank you, for that you are looking after us and we always can count on You. I have a question, there are rumours, that total reset is about to happen in the middle of the summer, that means, that those rulers are supposed to cause even larger financial crisis and deprive us completely from private ownership, remove money from use. Will this happen and how can we protect from this? Roman.
ENKI: Rubbish. Roman, I expected wiser from you to think, instead of something like this. Is it still little, what is currently happening, what still Sirius does? – it is also needed to include to this total bullying of human beings? Be calm, nothing like that… this summer will not occur. I’m listening.
Barbara: Also, I have such question at the end. Do schemes of human behaviours, which block inner development, can differ by the depth of problems that reach even previous generations – because of that, this process of awakening of consciousness in current time for those beings because of this reason will last respectively long and it is not possible to accelerate this transformation in this imprisoned energy? Or maybe the problem of understanding inner obstacles lies not in the past, but in opening oneself to being in the present?
ENKI: Did you think long Barbara, of course – over this, what you contrived? Did you understand, what does it mean to use… mind? Didn’t I say today a few times and Sirius as well, to precisely understand – what – sessions – pass? Not so fast – a thousand years for this you need. Even you will have time to return to the Earth, if you will want to, to repair here bits and pieces or to be alive, but during your life you will not reach this success such, which you dream about. I’m listening.
Ryszard: Yes, I have, have question to Sirius – if I can. I wanted to ask, because at the beginning of today’s meeting it was said that someone from the room said that you are boring. I’m interested in this, in what you are boring? Because it is for me so simple, that actually, this, what you have been saying so far is very specific, and not boring. But maybe you have some idea, to explain this to me.
SIRIUS: Even though I am a Spirit and I come from Sirius, to think I also can, but Ryszard, I can’t give you the answer to this, what came to me, that I am actually such as I am: boring, that nothing specific I couldn’t and I can’t pass, but act – this we can. And we are passing, or I am passing as much, as you are ready to receive, I – boring – Sirius. I’m listening.
Ryszard: Yes, thank you. Also, I have such… actually it is private mine, question. It is about… all of us here practically, gathered. Did someone from gathered here received vaccination? – not Yours one, this, to protect from the death, that is from death from coronavirus.
SIRIUS: But Ryszard, I will not point finger… but people, even here those, who are in the room are afraid, and fear will force to this, so that they will be receiving vaccinations. I’m listening.
Ryszard: Exactly this I had in mind, because I didn’t had in mind to show that “Zdzichu or Janek”, just the point is that… whether it is these people, because I was saying earlier, I was saying earlier, that… this, what I offer from myself, like I did or my wife did, to ASK You – deeply in heart – ask You for Protection. And I think that if someone does this, if someone BELIEFS in this, then I think, that this will be very good.
ENKI: Through distance, Ryszard, I, Enki do not give Protection, I have already told that. However, yes – it is very strong Protection and very strong vaccine. And that it is Spiritual one? Well, Spiritual one, but how helpful and how important one. That’s it. I’m listening.
Ryszard: Thank you [sigh], practically those would be all questions for today. We thank You Sincerely, we thank Sincerely our Friend from Sirius, the boring one, this boring Spiritual Being – as someone called. In any way for all those information, for all those answers to those questions. I think that everyone will start read sessions from the beginning. Not only here, but… because it will go to the whole world, to understand the essence of Mission Pharaoh, to understand the essence of one own being. And… well till we meet already after Lucyna will be back from Poland. Thank you.
Bogdan: Thank you.
ENKI: And I thank you, I, Enki, on behalf Sirius, We Both thank you. The next session will be in Poland, because it was agreed this way. Also, it should be interesting, so yes – till we see on the next meeting. And I would not like to see so many people, where you can be counted on fingers, but a bit more. So, I thank you.
Everyone: Thank you.